
Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Kenyon and I took a road trip to Arkansas for the Thanksgiving holiday. Why Arkansas? It is where my good friend Angela grew up and we met her family, including five siblings, nephews, nieces, and parents there. We had a great Thanksgiving holiday. Ate lots of food. Went hiking in the mountains - Kenyon's first hiking adventure. He was like a little boy. His excitement was entertaining. I didn't take any school books with me. Three days without homework! Now that is something to be thankful for! Unfortunately, the stack of homework and deadlines welcomed me back with open arms. Ugh!

I have to ask the traditional question: What are you thankful for this holiday season? I have a long list of things I'm thankful for. Top of my list are the beautiful people in my life. A couple of years ago I had an awakening - try as I might, I cannot do life alone. I need people. That was a HUGE thing for me to admit because I've spent most of my life as the lone ranger, attempting to do it alone. I found myself in a circumstance where I could not do it alone. I had to change. Since this epiphany I've allowed people in to my life in a significant way. What I've learned is these relationships enrich my life in so many ways. I have more fun, less stress, more blessings, and to my surprise (though it seems like common sense) I can accomplish more with their support. What am I thankful for? You! Thank you for sharing the journey of life with me.

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