
Friday, September 15, 2006

Laughing at myself...

I am sitting in an airport. I seem to do quite a bit of that these days...I've determined if you add up all the hours I've spent in an airport in my lifetime it would easily add up to a year or two of my life - that is a significant amount of time! And, I'm not nearly done adding to that number! That isn't what's so funny. I'll tell you what's funny...

I'm sitting in the airport, working on my laptop, listening to my iPod, updating my palm pilot, and being interrupted by text messages on my cell phone (if you don't know what some of those items are consider yourself lucky for living a simpler life). There was a moment when I had my computer precariously balanced on my lap, my iPod sitting next to me with the earphones in, a cell phone and palm pilot in each hand and had to laugh out loud. What would I do without my electronic gadgets? What has become of me? I am a product of the computer generation. Right now I have to get a little chuckle because I'm blogging about it...while still sitting in the airport.

Gotta go. I just received another text message...

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