
Monday, August 14, 2006

Caribbean Cruise

Yesterday I returned from a caribbean cruise. It was a much needed vacation. I travel often, but it has been a while since I took a trip with the purpose of relaxation. I left sick, I came back rested. I'd say the trip was successful!

My welcome home was bitter-sweet. I am officially unemployed. Tomorrow I will begin the search for a part-time job. The change in my schedule is actually uncomfortable right now. I'm looking forward to some kind of routine. Classes begin next Monday so I have a week of transition. The other not so welcome change is Fiona and her family have moved to China. Fiona dropped off kitchen supplies, an electric toothbrush, DVD's, pictures on the fridge, notes, and other surprises while I was away. As nice as all of that is, I would rather have my friend. One picture in particular of mother's day this year has made me cry multiple times. I miss them terribly. It is especially difficult now that I have time on my hands, this would have been time spent with Fi and her girls, since they are not here it is time spent alone. It's crazy that one week ago my life was one way, I left on a trip and returned to a totally different life. I hope the pains of this transition ease soon.

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