
Monday, August 21, 2006


I recently returned from my brother Victor's wedding. I think my overwhelming impression is my baby brother has grown into a man! When did that happen? I think I missed it. It seemed to happen overnight. I was watching he and Jessica at the rehearsal thinking, my little brother is going to be somebody's husband. Crazy! I'm sure he will make an excellent husband and I know he loves Jessica a lot, I just haven't adjusted. In my mind he is younger, too young to be married. Of course, he's years older than I was when I got married. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.

Kenyon accompanied me. He met my entire family; aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, including my sperm donor David Stacy. He even shared a room with my dad Bob. The good news is...Kenyon still loves me. The wedding didn't scare him off. I think it gave him insight in to who I am. He spent the night dancing with my aunts at the reception. He had a lot of fun and has decided he wants to learn to salsa, he wants to be able to dance with me rather than sit on the sidelines and watch when latin music comes on.

Enjoy the photo!

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