
Friday, July 21, 2006

Return from India

I had another amazing journey to India. We hosted a conference for over 700 pastors/social workers. We dedicated two well sites, one was in a tsunami village. We visited two potential locations for a new project; a second orphanage. We spent valuable time with the children. The litte girl in this photo is Yemi. She was newly admitted to Light of Love children's home. She was dropped off by a distant relative who could not care for her. I have no idea where her parents are. She probably doesn't know either. She suffers from severe malnutrition and neglect. South Asia is home to 46% of underweight children in the world(including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan), proportionally that is a gigantic percentage since their overall population isn't that large. To me, Yemi is the face that represents this tradgedy with her protruding bones and hollow cheeks. I have made a commitment to help Premdas and his family broaden their efforts and further their reach. I am committed to seeing the new project become a reality. I have vowed to begin a fundraising effort which I expect will be a year long commitment (potentially longer). I am convinced the work in India is part of why I was put on this earth. I am willing to be diligent in the task ahead of me. God will have to do the rest. I don't have $150,000. He will have to provide. Others will have to give generously. This is a HUGE step of faith for me. I decided on this trip, whatever the cost, whatever the risk, whatever the challenge; I will be faithful to my calling. I know it won't be easy. I know my safety is not guaranteed. I know there will be times I'll want to quit or would rather be doing something else. I vow to keep my eye on the prize and the end goal in mind. It is faces like Yemi's that compel me to keep going. I may not change the world, but if this child has a better future it was absolutely worth the effort.

When I returned home Kenyon had cleaned my entire place; vacuum, laundry, bathroom. He also stocked my fridge and pantry with food. I guess he decided I needed some help on the domestic front after the previous experience in my kitchen. Smile! Actually, it was an amazingly generous and thoughtful gesture. He cooked a wonderful dinner the Sunday night when I returned. It was nice to be home. I spent this week enjoying the food he purchased. Of course, if it required cooking it is still where he left it. I did enjoy pop tarts, Eggo waffles, fresh fruit, frozen dinners and cereal. He promised to cook dinner again this weekend. So I will get a homecooked meal at least once a week. Awesome!

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