
Friday, July 21, 2006

A word on change...

I don't mean the kind of change that jingles in your pocket, no, I mean life altering change. Change that rocks your world, moves your comfort zone, and makes you want to curl up in the fetal position and suck your thumb. I always thought I was good with change. In business, I like change. I don't want to stay in one place too long. I want to be cutting edge and a leader. I've learned recently that in my personal life I like stability and comfort. My personal life is changing. Some of it by choices I've made, some of it totally out of my control. It has caused me to reevaluate my opinion of change and have empathy for those who are not as comfortable with corporate change as I am. Below are some interesting quotes on change:

"Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up."
— James Belasco and Ralph Stayer, Flight of the Buffalo (1994)

"Change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn't all bad — not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life — to keep us moving ... to keep us growing ... to keep us interested . ... Imagine life without change. It would be static ... boring ... dull."
— Dr. Dennis O'Grady in Bottom Line - Personal

"Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
—John F. Kennedy

Common theme? Change can be a good thing - though painful at times.

What changes am I experiencing? Lots and lots of life-altering change. I am in the midst of a career change. I will go from full-time working professional in a job I really enjoy, to the unknown status of full-time student. I will change jobs. I'll be working on a grant for the department to earn my financial aid, as well as have a part-time employer to make ends meet. As a result, I have been downsizing my life for approximately 8 months; new home, new car, new budget. My friends are moving. I often referred to a close group of friends as the three W's - Whincop's, Warren's and William's families. The Williams family have gone to Virginia near Washington D.C. Since they've gone I no longer have Tuesday night family night. The Warren's are building a home in North Kansas City. It is a longer drive and a part of the city I rarely visit. I am helping them move in to an apartment this weekend. I currently work with Elaine, the change in job and the move will likely mean we will see less of each other. In approximately two weeks the Whincop family will reside in China. They have a contract on their house and have made all the arrangements to relocate. I already feel the loss of their friendship. I don't like any of these changes. If I had a magic wand, life would have remained the same. But, I don't have a magic wand or a jeannie in a bottle. Rather, I have to learn to adjust. Yuck! I have to believe the hope found in the above quotes; maybe, just maybe, change can make room for new possibilities, growth, and a brighter future. Maybe?

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