
Friday, June 14, 2013

catch up

It has been nearly two months since my last post, not for lack of stories to tell, but more because I have been enjoying life...offline. Here is sample of what has happened in recent months...

I traveled to San Francisco for work, but the highlight of the trip was spending the weekend with my college roommate Samantha, her husband Chris, and their two kids. The last time we were in the same place was my wedding reception; at the time she was pregnant with her daughter (the oldest). While emails and Christmas cards keep us updated, there is nothing like sitting across the table from someone and sharing a meal or conversation. I credit  Samantha with teaching me what it means to be a good friend; because she is exceptional at it. We have shared a lot of great memories through the years. I LOVED seeing her as a mom!

Speaking of mom came to the DMV for a visit. It was her first time in this part of the U.S. She came to experience the beauty of the cherry blossoms - instead it snowed three times in March; including a few days before her visit. Sadly, she only saw bare trees. We did make time to visit the national monuments, but her travel wish list consisted of every day experiences; so, we had a couple take-my-mom-to-work activities, meals with friends, and even spent an afternoon at my favorite grocery. Activities only a mother would love...or perhaps only my mother.

There were also some celebrations of life events with friends, family, and friends who have become family.

We celebrated Joyce's birthday and on a separate occasion (not pictured) Naomi's dedication.

My friend Angela was recognized at a celebration event for her service to the community.

'Tis the season for graduations!

Phim graduated with her MBA.

My brother graduated from Law School.

Now that she is a high school grad, my goddaughter is off to college.

I also participated in a family trip to celebrate my brother's BIG accomplishment. Here is a photo of me enjoying fresh coco(nut) juice from a street vendor in Puerto Rico. I get nostalgic when drinking one of these. It takes me back to villages in India, Cambodia and Mozambique. My heart still resides with those I met in those places.

My sister-friend Theresa drove to Oklahoma City for a quick visit while I was there for the weekend. Have I mentioned I am blessed with a wealth of great relationships? Because I am. I count Theresa among those blessings.

I also got to live a dream when the Hubs and I were chauffeured to a wonderful evening at the Kennedy Center. I've wanted to attend an event at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts since we moved here. This iconic building has hosted many performances I've watched from afar (on TV) for a lifetime. It would have been a shame to live this close and not attend an event at this venue. I can now cross this off the list. Done! Though I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to attend another event at the Kennedy Center...if such an opportunity were to present itself.

just Sheri, living in the present

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