
Monday, February 25, 2013

reminiscent of...Africa

Since I am now a mortgage payer and more place bound than I have been in the past, I decided to decorate our home in honor of the places we have lived.

The first room that made any progress was an ode to my birthplace: New Mexico. I wrote about this in a post titled: home away from home.

I have made progress on my second room - our "great room"...I am not sure what else to call this. It is the biggest room in our house. It is the first one entered from the front door. This is what it looked like before we moved in.

Today, it has a 10' sectional and our dining table. The theme for this room is an ode to Africa. Many of the items in this room came from previous travels. For instance, the rug was purchased after an eventful day of bartering in Morrocco.

The round baskets on the wall remind me of this man who I met in Liberia on one of my trips. He was weaving similar baskets from straw. I saw many of these beautiful, colorful baskets all over the Continent. I look at these and think of the people I met who create such beautiful handicrafts.

One the wall between the windows is a batik that comes from Kenya.  

The figurines in the batik remind me of the Masai people. Some of whom I was able to meet on a visit to the coast of that country.

I also have memorabilia from Mozambique from our time there. We could not bring much back with us due to weight limits, but my heart still resides with all of the people I met along the journey of life. While I cannot be with them, and frequent visits are unlikely due to present circumstances; I have brought these memories front and center in our home. These items also allow me to share the memories with guests who come to our home.

just Sheri, collector of memories

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