
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

house rules: no spectators

Spectator: an observer of an event

When I host a game night at our house, there is one rule: no spectators. Sure, it can be entertaining to watch. It's a lot more comfortable to sit and observe than to's also a lot easier to be a critic from the side lines. 

I make this rule because we [humans] are made to be active participants, rather than observers. The best products, or experiences, come when shared and each person gives their unique contribution. Criticism becomes more constructive when there is "skin in the game" or ownership of the activities and their end product.

I shared this house rule at a recent birthday party with friends: no spectators.

I've been thinking about it in relation to church.

[insert photo of one person at the front speaking and all others sitting and listening]

Church wasn't made to be a spectator sport. It wasn't meant to be entertainment that we come to watch. While it might be more comfortable to sit and observe rather than to create - we miss out on life changing, full on, mind blowing experiences; because our comfort zone keeps those things out. An environment where ownership isn't shared is ripe for criticism and discontent - when things aren't going right, who's problem is it? Not mine. I am not in charge, they are.

I want to be a part of something where folks are engaged. Where things are happening and where each person's unique contribution (regardless of age, gender, race, or background) has a place to grow and develop and be shared. Me and a few of my friends are setting out on an adventure to create such a place. 

Where will it lead? Only God knows....

just Sheri, embarking on a new adventure

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It reminds me to keep working toward the Kingdom's mission.
