In the coming weeks, I will be re-posting some of my favorite posts from the past six years on this blog. Yes, I have had this blog for nearly SIX years! I have revisited some of these posts lately. It is interesting to me how much life has changed. For those who are new around here, it will give you a glimpse of the journey. I am calling this series "Encore." If you'd like, you can vote on your favorites.
Best of 2006
Here is one of the nominees from April 2006. This reminds me that although some things change, many stay the same. Amazing Race is still my favorite show. I still don't have regular access to television. And, despite the fact that she lives half the world away, Fiona is still one of my Besties.

Fiona and I have talked about being competitors on the Amazing Race for years. One problem - she's not an American citizen and the show requires a US Passport. Bummer!
Today we did the next best thing. A group of friends got together and did an all out scavenger hunt in KC. We visited parks and tourists spots. We had to eat a cup of jello. We played frisbee golf. We climbed countless hills and stairs. We wrote (and performed) cheers, songs and stories. We shopped at a Goodwill. We fed ducks. We drove fast. We got lost. We did not win. However, I was voted "most competitive" on my team - shocking I'm sure. It was a great event. I give special props to the group who coordinated the event. It was truly an amazing race! We ended the evening with a BBQ and good company.
Enjoy the pic...the visor was purchased for $0.25 each at the thrift store. It was our team uniform. Our name was 3 girls and a guy. Fun does not do the experience justice! You have got to join us next year!
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