
Thursday, July 28, 2011

cultural experience: grass jelly drink

My student has decided to share some cultural experiences with me. I embrace these opportunities, it was part of why I wanted a student from another place - so they could expand my horizons, and broaden my perspective.

Once she brought me home-made food. Recently, she brought me a new drink - grass jelly.

I wasn't really sure what to expect. Drinking grass hadn't been on my bucket list, nor did I think it would taste good. But, she assured me it was fine. After our meeting, when we had already said our good-byes I opened the can. The smell was unusual. I forged ahead.

The taste wasn't bad - sort of like root beer or strong tea. I kept drinking.

Then I was hit by a surprise - chunks. I suddenly discovered the "jelly" part of the drink. It included chewy squares of something. Again, not bad - just unexpected.

I finished my first can of grass jelly drink. Then I texted her my reaction, including the surprising chunks.

Her response, "LOL." She promised to bring me more items to taste test.

just Sheri, enjoying new experiences

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