
Thursday, January 06, 2011

New Year's Theme: audacious joy

We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy. ~Joseph Campbell, teacher

A long time ago I gave up new year's resolutions. Why? They never lasted, nor were fulfilled. But, I find the end of one year and the beginning of another a great time for intentional reflection about what was accomplished in the previous year and to consider goals for the coming year. I go through an exercise annually that I call "A Personal Development Plan." It involves character goals (stuff on the inside that could improve toward becoming a better person), and relational goals (including my family, friends or community), and personal goals (study, hobbies, health, etc). I review this plan a few times each year and ask myself - how am I doing? Do I need to adjust course in any area? 

When this list is complete, I determine a theme and define a few key objectives I'd like to accomplish (three to be exact) by asking myself "what does this mean to me?"

I have found this to be a VERY productive exercise and that is why I keep doing it.

The theme for this year is audacious joy. Joy is not derived from our circumstances, but rather something that comes from the inside. I view it as a choice. In 2010, we moved continents three times (Asia to Africa to North America). We ended the year with a lot of uncertainty, which has carried over in to the new year. We still have no income. We are still trying to plant roots in a place we have never lived before. We are living with a family that was thrown in to chaos through a health crisis and the disease that caused it is chronic and treatments tried to date haven't worked to bring it under control. We had sold nearly everything before moving overseas and don't currently have enough to furnish a one-bedroom apartment. Added to that the few things we do own are in embargo in Africa for the foreseeable future. Because we have no jobs, we have no health insurance - this means we must continue to postpone dental or doctor visits. I personally would really appreciate a physical and some de-worming meds to make sure there aren't any weird parasites growing in me, but that isn't possible right now.  

I share all of this, not to be overly revealing in a public space, but to illustrate that our circumstances are not ideal. Frankly, they are difficult. But joy isn't dependent on circumstances.

In 2011, I choose joy - audacious joy. My joy will be reckless, bold, daring and fearless. 

What about you? What is your new year's theme or resolution?

Just Sheri, looking forward to a bright future

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