
Thursday, November 11, 2010

sulfate is the answer...what was the question?

In an update to my vanity post, I have found the answer. Okay, I didn't actually find it. A nice Southern Belle who knows all about beauty products, tips and tricks steered me in the right direction. She told me to try a shampoo with sulfate as the ingredient.

I have a box of unpacked odds and ends from America. In the box is a small assortment of travel shampoos. I pulled them out and started reading the labels. I found the most remarkable product that was already in my home - Herbal Essence shampoo. It has restored what once was and I am incredibly grateful!

I should have known by their tag line:

take your hair all the way to luscious—all across the globe!

I have been so impressed with the results from simply switching shampoos that I am telling EVERYONE! At a recent going away party I received a compliment on how good my hair was looking - I actually had it down that day since it wasn't such a mess on my head. I said to this one lady that it was the shampoo I was using.

Another lady from a different part of the room said, "what shampoo are you using?"

I told them "Herbal Essence." It has worked wonders in this environment.

Before long I had a crowd of woman asking about it. I felt like a spokesperson.

One of the voices in the crowd said, "You should write them and tell them your story. Maybe they will give you free shampoo for promoting them." I like how she thinks, so I am posting it on my blog.

Dear Herbal Essence marketing, I know you monitor when your product name is used. If you find this blog post I would like to request some free product for being a walking advertisement for your tag line. We are about to be unemployed and your generosity would be appreciated. Even if you don't send anything. I expect to be a loyal customer because your product really worked. Somehow it overcame the harsh water conditions in Africa. Luscious locks are no longer among the sacrifices we are making to live here.

Is there a product that won you over because it delivered it's promise during a time of need?

Just Sheri, grateful for chemists in this season of Thanksgiving

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