To be honest, I never really thought much about my hair. It was just on my head and did it's thing. I noticed a difference between a good and bad haircut, but then that was the end of my thought process about that topic.
Not anymore. I have become obsessed.
The days of not thinking about my hair have come to an end. I have invested hours trying to figure out how to regain the former glory that once was a top my head.
Since moving to Africa my hair has been on the decline. At first it was just stiff and generally dull. Then dull went to straight-up dry and brittle. I still have those days, but now on the days when it isn't dry and brittle, it looks as greasy as if I hadn't washed it for weeks. I wash my hair everyday. I use the same shampoo. The change baffles and frustrates me...
I have researched the problem on the internet and came to the conclusion that it is hard water that has caused this tragedy. The suggested solutions are to rub beer or lemon juice on my hair. I hate to admit it, but I tried it. It did stop the greasy look, but it only succeeded in causing more damage. I told a friend in Germany about my dilemma. She told me to stop it. I listened, but am still discontent.
My current strategy is to wash my hair with a bottle of filtered water. Yes, I am wasting a precious, life-giving resource for vanities sake. I admit it and I am not proud of this fact.
What has surprised me is how disturbed I am over my bad hair. It really bothers me - a LOT. I want my old hair back. I don't want to be disgusted anymore by the condition of my hair. I am learning something about myself. I am learning the depths of my vanity.
Lately, my mirror is providing a little glimpse in to some ugliness in my soul...
Just Sheri, attempting to overcome vanity
You could be bald and you would still be beautiful...just get a little suntan and you would be good to go :-)