
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

little eyes are watching...

On our recent home leave I was reminded of a saying I have not heard in years:

There are little eyes upon you, watching you night and day.
These little eyes and ears take in everything you say!
Their little hands are eager to do what you do, And dreaming of the day to be like you!...

In 2009, one of my young cousins was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. I was just listening to the conversation and was not part of it. She said, "I want to do what Sheri does."

"What does Sheri do?"

"She helps people in other countries."

I don't even know how she knew that. My aunt later told me that my young cousin loves looking at the pictures I email. After I left New Mexico I got an email from this young cousin. She was making jewelry for sale and wanted to give the money to help kids in Africa. She then recruited a couple more cousins to help with the project and had a commitment from her step-dad to match whatever they were able to make. Below is a picture of them selling some of their jewelry. Aren't they precious? Love them!

I am praying God plants a dream in their heart. That God takes them on a great adventure. I never imagined a life like this, I didn't even know such opportunities existed. Step-by-step Providence led me down a path that brought me here. I know they were each created for a purpose. I pray they discover their purpose and that they make wise choices allowing them to live that purpose. The best decision I ever made was commiting my life to Christ and following His lead.

Little eyes are watching...

When in Virginia I spent time with the Williams family. I love this family. I have loved these kids since they were much younger. The oldest is now graduated from high school and off to college this month. They left at 4am for a family trip the same day we were leaving to Kansas City. I was sad that I did not get to give them a proper good-bye. I woke to a surprise that brought tears to my was a spontaneous note from the oldest son thanking me for being an example of someone willing to "be the change I want to see in the world."

Little eyes are watching...

In Kansas City we stayed with a friend of mine from grad school.  Her daughter is 20 years old and about to be a mother herself. This is another family that is very special to us. I had some great talks with this young lady about the future and her dreams. On our last night she left a thank you note and a small gift in our room. Again, I was surprised and teary.

Little eyes are watching...

I don't share this to brag on myself. I share this to make a point. I am not a parent. I still consider myself young. However, there is a generation of younger people behind me and I have the opportunity to invest in them, a responsibility to be a good example to them.

Why? Because, little eyes are watching...

What little eyes are watching you? Are you setting an example worth following?



  1. I remembered this post yesterday while helping at Sunday School. I got roped in a the last minute as they were short people. One of the girls turned around and asked me something about one of my friends. I was surprised, thinking "how do you know that?", she went on to explain that she remembered me from a fund raiser we had for Haiti in the church. Just goes to show, little eyes are upon us always.

  2. wanted to let you know that we are using the money that your cousins raised to help a boy named nelson return to his family. we'll be taking him home next saturday. his family lives in chabuto. we visited his father and twin sister for the first time about 5 weeks ago. at the time, he wasn't ready to return home but now he has decided its time!
