
Thursday, August 19, 2010

I love me a good farmer's market...

Farmer's Markets are the best! For many years I have been visiting the farmer's market in City Market in Kansas City. It is in the heart of the city, which I love. I usually skip breakfast because I intend to buy some fruit like cherries and some baked goods from the Amish. Mmmmm....I can close my eyes and be back there right now. Enjoy the pictures while I daydream...

Here is the entrance

backdrop of skyscrapers

look at all those fruits and vegetable
this person came prepared with their handcart. I need me one of them next time.

In the fall and spring I would buy my flowers for pots here. In the summer I would buy all my produce. It used to be such an unusual event. In Africa  and Asia, outdoor markets are the typical means to buy groceries, but I still love me a good farmer's market! Visit one for me, okay?


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