
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

streets of Phnom Penh

Did you see the Amazing Race this season? They visited our new town - Phnom Pen, Cambodia. Or as one of the teams referred to it - Sean Penn, Cambodia. I got an email from my brother shortly after that episode (episode 3 in case you missed it) and he was so excited when he saw the city we are living in - he said he kept telling everyone, "that's where my sister lives!" True that! So, I've been snapping photos around the streets of Phnom Penh. Here is a couple of typical sites:

A loaded moto. This basket happens to be empty, but I have seen them before full of something like bananas. I've seen live chickens hung by their feet and strapped to the handle bars, beaks dragging on the asphalt. Recently, I was three giant pigs on the back of a moto. Sometimes a moto is so loaded the driver can barely fit on the bike with everything. I don't know how they drive in those certainly isn't the safest option but I am often impressed by the ingenuity!

Motos, motos everywhere! When driving a car, these really are the hardest things to keep track of. I might be backing up and they will come right up behind the car with no regard for the harm it might cause them. I could have my blinker on to turn right and they will come right between me and the curb (in a very small space) on the right hand side while I am in motion. There is supposed to be a moto lane, but like all other road rules here, these are simply a suggestion.

Street vendors. I've mentioned these before as they were the source of the cotton candy we bought. The only other thing I've bought from a street vendor is roasted corn. It smelled so good, I couldn't resist. Usually, I don't recognize what they are selling so my interest level is pretty low.

Child labor. This is something I see far too often along the streets of Cambodia - young children who are working. These boys are selling some roasted oyster shells.

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