
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

commiserating with a 4 year old

Kenyon and I had been invited to carpool with a co-worker and her family to the scheduled family day activities. They are a family of four with a baby boy on the way - the mom is from America, the dad from Cambodia and there are two little girls ages 4 and 6 years old. The family had just come back from a visit to the States. The 4 year old, Anna, hadn't recovered. As we were driving around she says, "I really like America."

To all of our surprise, Kenyon says, "I do too."

A: The food in America is really good.

K: Yeah, I agree.

A: The streets are smooth and clean.

K: I hear you.

A: In America, it isn't so hot and there is air conditioning.

K: I feel you're pain.

It went on like this for a while. The whole car was listening and trying not to laugh. At the end of the conversation Kenyon says, "I really like you. You can come over any time."

We all lost it. Laughter by the rest of the adults. We still laugh about it, but Kenyon and Anna have formed a special bond over their affinity for America. Every time he sees her he says, "that is such a smart little girl, she is just brilliant!" It is pretty amazing that a four year old could verbalize such contrasts and emotions. I like her too, she tells the funniest stories!

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