
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Angkor Wat

I will be traveling to our field offices this week and in to next week. Usually, when I am in the field I have limited computer time. I am also behind on sharing photos because I've been having so many technology issues. I've worked through most of them, so, while I travel enjoy some photos of our time in Cambodia so far.

Angkor Wat

When my dad was here for a visit we went to the biggest tourist destination in Cambodia - Angkor Wat temples located in Siem Reap. This name refers to the group of temples as a destination, but also a specific temple on the grounds. In Khmae, Angkor means city and Wat means Temple. It was called this because it was the largest temple built. A photo taken that day is below.

I took a picture of this statue because it reminded me of the Hindu gods I often saw around India. This is considered a Buddhist temple. I am certain there is a connection between Hinduism and Buddhism, I just don't know what it is. There are so many similarities it must be the case. Is there anyone out there who could explain this to me?

Grounds keepers. In the heat of the day they are out there, in the sun, cutting grass with small clippers or machete's. If you saw the size of these grounds you would be shocked they are maintained this way. Bob (my dad) said, "that has got to be one of the worst jobs in the world!" On one hand it is a way for poor people to earn a living. On the other hand it is exploitation. I just thought I'd document it for people who don't see this everyday. There are street sweepers like this around town and so many other manual labor jobs that pay next to nothing for grueling work.

Kenyon, blending in with his surroundings.

Come back for more pictures tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I am experiencing technical difficulties with my blog due to computer issues and internet access problems. I will work on it this weekend and see if I can find a solution. Come back next week for more posts.
