
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Khmer Rouge trials

I've written before about the genocide that happened in Cambodia in the 1970's. I believe I have also briefly mentioned the human rights trials that began this year in response to those horrific events. This week I read a news update to these trials. You can read it too here.

The article captured the distrust and fear we encounter in our work everyday - not just when they are talking about the horrors of the past.

Going on record rattled 62-year-old Man Maisan - under the Khmer Rouge, having your name on a list meant certain death, and for her, the terrifying association had not faded. “Are others doing this, too?” she asked. Despite her initial trepidation, she had plenty of reasons to come forward: her parents and only child died under the regime.

I am still trying to figure out how to gain the trust of Cambodians. I am told it is never fully given. Is it possible to truly build relationship without trust? I ask myself that often. What do you think?

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