
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Suzy Homemaker

Something unexpected happened when I moved to Cambodia. I have developed some surprising and embroidery. Those of you who know me well, know this is out of character for me.

Since moving to our new apartment I have cooked almost every day with only a few exceptions. On the weekend I plan our meals for the week and go to the grocery store. After work I have found chopping vegetables or mixing dough to be very therapeutic. I leave behind the cares of the day and just live in that moment - maybe because my experience in such things is very low and so it takes all my concentration. Ha! Whatever it is, I am actually enjoying the creation of dinner. At the end, I feel like I accomplished something. By the end of my work day it is hard to say what I've accomplished - had some meetings, sent some emails, signed some documents...those aren't quite so rewarding.
I also picked up an old hobby...cross-stitching. I found a friend here in Cambodia, from Australia, and she likes cross-stitching too. We joke that we are old bitty's sitting on the couch with our embroidery. I had a teacher in grade school who exposed me to this hobby, it's been years since I picked up a needle and thread. I am really enjoying it. I can't remember why I ever stopped. I think life just got too busy with other things.
Have you recently picked up any new hobbies that you find surprisingly enjoyable? One benefit of living overseas where our entertainment options are limited is that I am finding space in my life to develop some hobbies. I like it.

1 comment:

  1. I still have the cross-stitch of the Indian lady that you made for the ORU contest. You spent alot of time on that.

    How about coloring in coloring books? That was your favorite therapy back in the day.
