
Monday, May 17, 2010

Moms to the rescue

I know that Mother's Day has passed, but I missed it because I was in the field and completely disconnected from the outside world. So, a week is my ode to mom.

Being a mother is a tough job. The only way to retire from it is death. I may be considered a grown up, but that doesn't mean I don't still need my mother. Maybe she is no longer changing diapers, nursing, or carting us from place to place as our personal chauffer, but her role is still very necessary it just comes with different job responsibilities at this stage in her children's lives.

Who do I call in the middle of the night when I just want a good laugh? Mom (she's probably up anyway)

Who do I call when I am angry at the world and need to vent? Mom

Who will listen for hours to stories about my life and likely not say anything about herself? Mom

Who will work hard to fill a wish list of items from home (including antiquated technology that she has to recruit friends to help her find)? Mom

Since moving overseas, I talk to my family a lot. Every week I set aside time to call them just to hear what is going on (though since moving to Africa the time change has made this difficult). I could not do this successfully without the support of my family and I don't say enough how much I appreciate them.

I recently read an article based on a research study that basically says talking to mom reduces stress. Granted their study was on 9-12 year old girls. But I can tell you it also works for 30-somethings.

Thanks, mom. Hope you don't retire anytime soon. Smile!

1 comment:

  1. This is sweet Sheri. I <3 you both! Happy belated Mother's day Edie! Melysa
