
Friday, May 22, 2009

My husband: the pilot?

When Kenyon and I met he had never been on an airplane to go anywhere. I thought that was God's way of showing me who's in charge...and it's not me! If I'd of done things my way then I would have found someone in a life partner who loved travel as much as me when we met. Knowing how much I travel you might agree with that expectation, but God had other plans. What I ended up with is a perfect life partner. He may not have been on an airplane before, but now he loves International travel and has embraced this unconventional lifestyle.

A few weeks ago I came home and Kenyon told me that he had looked in to getting his pilot's license. He had found an instructor in town, spoke with the instructor and knew how much it was going to cost to complete the program. I was impressed by the initiative. This week I came home and he had done even more research about the requirements for pilots. One requirement is a 3 hour physical exam and he already scheduled it with a doctor.
My response is one of shock and awe, I know he is capable of doing anything he puts his mind to, what is surprising is that he put his mind to this. Funny how much things can change in a few years. Whether this becomes reality or not, Kenyon has gone through a transformation from no planes to considering flying planes!
In case you are wondering, I am soooo jealous! I support his efforts, but this is something I've wanted to do myself for least it will be in the family!

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