
Friday, May 01, 2009

changing Africa, part three

The volunteer group I mentioned yesterday, well, they have a lot of projects in the community. There is the HIV testing, but they also do income generating activities. They built this chicken coop. We provided the nails and a small initial investment in the chickens. They have made it a workable project, that provides needy families with protein to eat (eggs and meat), as well as some much needed income. They have plans to expand their chicken projects to help more.

Traditionally, it is appropriate to give your honored guest a gift. They gave me a chicken. Seriously! This is the first time I can think of that I touched a chicken. What am I going to do with a live chicken? Try explaining that to the customs officer! I buy my chicken prepacked at the grocery store, by that time it just looks like a hunk of meat, not a living animal. All day long we rode around the bush of Africa with the live chicken in the car. I've decided chickens sense fear. It was calm when others held him, the more experienced and less frantic, once that chicken was in my hands it was flapping around. It was like it immediately knew my weakness and was determined to get away. The group is helping hold the chicken down for the photo.

What I love about this is how empowered they were by the project. There is a sense of dignity restored when you are no longer asking for a handout, but rather have something of value to give to others.

In case you are wondering, I regifted the chicken to one of the staff from Uganda. They were thrilled to have it...and they know better than I what to do with a live chicken.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great story and picture. I laughed out loud a few times.
