
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu: reasonable or overracting?

Each year 37,000 people die from the flu. How many have been infected with the swine flu? Is the potential infection worth all this hype?

At work they sent an email asking everyone to disinfect their desks, keyboard and mouse three times a day, avoid crowds, but when you are in a crowd wear a mask. The housekeeping staff have been instructed to disinfect doorknobs and other public places four times a day. We are banned from visiting Mexico for the time being. Due to the nature of our work (International travel) we are likely a vector point - a point of viral spread in our community.
I've been issued my own bottle of disinfectant wipes. I took a picture because advertising amuses me - "kills flu virus." Really?
Is this a reasonable reaction to swine flu or are we overreacting? What is your work doing in response?

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