
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Perception is everything!

I was listening to the radio recently...I guess that is good thinking time since it is a subject of so many posts! Anyway, the guy on the radio was talking about how to cope in difficult times. Times like now when so many are out of a job and the global economy is tanking. He shared an interesting equation:

C + P = E

This isn't like Algebra class in school. C stands for circumstance, P stands for perception/perspective and E is experience. He said that perception of the circumstance is what ultimately defines the experience. True that! Many people can have similar circumstances, but it is those who view pain and struggle as temporary that ultimately overcome or overcome more quickly.

Are we living in difficult times? Certainly, turn on the news and you should know the answer to that question. Do you think perception really has that kind of influence on our experience, or is it the other way around and circumstances shape our perception?

1 comment:

  1. Call me a pessimist, but I believe when given the choice between the two, it is the other way around; our circumstances affect our perceptions. Novel concept though.
