
Monday, February 02, 2009


I was invited to speak at Evangel University recently. I felt a strong prompting to share a bit of my story with the audience of God took a little Hispanic girl from New Mexico to heights she never dreamed and places she hadn't even heard of.

After the talk a young woman named Victoria came to me and said she cried through my entire talk. She is a young Hispanic girl who has a dream in her heart to one day do work like this. She was feeling like it might not become reality because it seems so unlikely, but when I spoke she felt like God was talking to her directly. I prayed with her. I cried with her. I am rooting for her.

I believe God has implanted in each of us a divine purpose, but unfortunately only a few find it and fulfill it. There are many reasons these dreams fall by the way side, many is full of distractions pulling us away from our divine purpose. I am encouraged to see young people who feel the dream alive in their hearts, who haven't let it die. I am inspired by their optimism. I pray there are many more like Victoria who feel the dream stirring in their soul and are willing to stay faithful in the process until God one day opens the door to their divine purpose. Imagine what the world would be like if we were each fulfilling our God designed role...imagine.

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