
Friday, January 30, 2009


Last week I received news that made me angry, sad and confused all at the same time...what could it be? Mark Dybul, ambassador in charge of the Office of the Global AIDS Commission (OGAC) was abruptly asked to resign...effective immediately, and shortly after he had submitted his resignation and was asked to stay on during the transition.

I have often said that Obama's rhetoric sounds nice...I could even buy in to most of the words he uses, but his policies are more extreme than they appear on the surface...example: Dybul.

Mark Dybul is a physician who specialized in HIV medicine, he is an openly gay man who contributed in the past to the Democratic party. He has been in this role since inception of the office and by all accounts the policies in place were working to reduce infection and get needed medicines to those in the developing world. This seems like someone with the credentials and qualifications worth keeping in a new administration. I found Dybul reasonable to work with and very knowledgeable on the issues globally (which is more than I can say for our current President, when I hear him speak I often think "he has a lot to learn about the world!").

What is the motivation for firing Dybul? The only thing I can come up with is that he didn't pander to those on the extreme left with extreme views on reproductive health, he took a more sensible and moderate approach...and he lost his job because of it. The Washington Post did an article on this and state the only reason given was "political." The article is called Weasels vs AIDS Relief.

Change has come, people. Is this the change you were hoping for, the removal of a proven and successful leader in order to please an outspoken interest group?

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