
Friday, December 05, 2008

Who needs television?

A few years ago I lived without a TV for about a year, it was a matter of circumstance and not a statement I was trying to make. Then my dad, Bob, couldn't take it anymore. He bought me a TV for Christmas because he wanted to watch TV on his visits. So, I had a TV, but it required a hook-up to cable or satellite - which I wasn't about to pay for.

Since moving to North Carolina Kenyon and I have lived without television (some of you may find that shocking). At first it was a financial decision. I was paying six monthly bills for a home in Kansas we weren't living in - adding another monthly bill would have been too much. When the house finally sold we were scheduled to move. Once we were moved in to our new place we talked about hooking our TV's up to something (cable or satellite - we get zero reception of local channels in our mountain community). That's when we discovered something. We really didn't miss television - the doom and gloom of daily news is just depressing, watching hours of television sitcoms each night is really just a wast of time. Without a TV, we spend more time together at the end of the day. We kind of like that tradition and decided to keep it. So, no TV for the Warren's and we are fine with that.

Just so you know we don't live completely out of the loop - we get our news from the internet, I watch sports in social settings of homes or sports bars, we do own two televisions so we do rent and watch movies from the Red Box just about every week (free movie Monday's), and there are a few shows I really like that I can still follow online. For instance, Kenyon and I are following Season 13 of the Amazing Race, we just don't need a TV hook-up to do it.

Ahh, the wonders of technology. I've lived without a home phone for years due to the advent of cell phones. I guess now the internet has replaced my need for a television.

Is there something that you once thought you couldn't live without and are now finding it to be unnecessary?

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