
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Christmas to Remember

Bob, my step-dad, came to visit this Christmas. We had a lot of fun visiting friends and eating food at every stop. The most memorable event is that I asked him to adopt me. Yeah, I'm a grown woman - but he has been my dad most of my life and I think it is time to make it official. I will work out the proceedings with my attorney and hope to have the process complete by Father's Day 2006. I had a friend help me create an adoption certificate that I gave him as a Christmas present. Later he was telling someone about it and he said, "it's just making official what already is." Which is true. He's my dad and I'm glad it will be legal and permanent.

I had a Santa Fe Christmas with some friends in the KC area. We ate tamale's, posole and green chili. Yummy! The chili was hot, just like I like it. I also had an Indian Christmas on Christmas Day. We had lamb and potatoes, nan, butter chicken, etc. There was enough food for an army!! We also watched Bride and Prejudice. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. The movie has a little bit of Baliwood, British comedy, and Hollywood all mixed into one crazy story that follows the plot of Jane Austin's book. The first time I saw it I laughed so hard I had to see it again because I had missed some parts.

I also had a Christmas genie this year, either that or I was a VERY good girl. I was granted three wishes - I received a remote starter for my Jeep, a laptop computer, and a flat screen TV. Nobody deserves that much loot in one Christmas!!! I also received some thoughtful gifts from friends - a book titled "An American Misfit in India," a picture book of India, and a stocking full of school supplies for my return to school. In case you haven't heard, I can't stay away from studying. I am applying to begin a PhD program at KU in August 2006.

In other news, my brother is engaged to be married. Yup, that's right. Victor is going to marry his long time girlfriend Jessica. They are planning an August wedding in Oklahoma City. They are currently living and working as dancers in Vegas. He proposed to her on a gondola in the Venetian. He can't possibly be old enough to be someone's husband?! Or maybe I just don't feel old enough to be his older sister?

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
