
Thursday, December 04, 2008

drowning in email

I have more emails than I can possibly answer. Since taking this job I have had an excessive amount of emails and traveling as often as I do it is difficult to respond in a timely manner.

Generally, my email hovers around 300 in my inbox with around 100 in my personal email account. That was somewhat manageable, at that rate people would hear from me in a couple of weeks at most.

In September, I was so excited because I had successfully used jet lag to my advantage and got my email down to 91 emails in my inbox. I hadn't seen less than 100 since starting this job.

Today, I am drowning in email. Monday I had 520 emails in my work email and just under 200 emails in my personal account.

I need to take a day out of the office (away from meetings) just so I can reply to email.

How do you manage your email inbox?

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