
Monday, December 29, 2008

Twelve days of Christmas: Day Nine

A Christmas Carol at the Rep

Kansas City has a fantastic community theatre at the UMKC campus known as "the rep." Hands down this is our favorite place to see theatre productions. For about 20 years they have offered A Christmas Carol during the Christmas season. I think this was my fifth time seeing it and I was still amazed, I would go back again next year. Confession...each time I watch this story I cry. I don't know what it is about the story but that ghost of Christmas present gets me every time.

Following the show we had dinner with Kenyon's good friend James and his wife Nicole. We met up at the plaza (of course) and enjoyed their company for a few hours. James has known Kenyon since he was a boy. They were roommates until James got married. I joke that they are like an old married couple - they finish each others sentences, they can practically read the others mind. Though we've moved away they talk nearly every week...and boy can these two talk! I always know when James calls it will be a good hour at least before Kenyon is off the phone. I love that my husband has friends whom he has known for so long. Life long friends are precious commodities and there are some, like James, who are closer than friends and are more like family. By the way, James hates taking pictures but he was willing to comply with my request. I'm sure he will be less thrilled to know I posted the photo on my blog...

For the faithful readers, James was featured in a previous post on boxing...this is the guy, and yes, he is still competing...and yes, I am still glad he's on our side. It's good to have friends with skills.

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