
Sunday, March 11, 2007


NOTE: this post is not appropriate for children or those who are easily grossed out. I'm serious, there will be blood and gore involved. If you are under the age of thirteen, don't read any further. Others, proceed at your own risk. Consider yourself warned.

Last night I had a first-time-ever-in-my-whole-life experience. I attended a boxing match. I've watched boxing before on TV and can get in to the competition of it all. In the past I've rooted for Evander Holyfield and rooted against Mike Tyson. I've cheered on Oscar De La Hoya. I confess, I even watched that low-rated TV show featuring Sylvester Stallone called "The Contender." Watching boxing on TV and watching it in person are two VERY different things. To be sitting two rows away from the ring to see the sweat and blood, to hear the sound of a fist meeting with some one's face. TV just doesn't capture real life in the same way. Kenyon's brother James has taken up boxing we went to cheer him on. They had little kids boxing - the 79 lb weight class. I called one of those boys Tigger the Tiger because all he did was bounce around the ring - bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. The bloodiest fight was between two 12 yr olds. With one hit there was a bloody mess. He busted his nose and lip. When he popped out his mouth guard he had a pool of blood in the guard. There was a moment I thought I might throw-up. The match was called in favor of the clean contestant and then they wiped up the mat for the next fight. James was round 13. He was in the big boy class. He is 30 years old, married and a father of two girls, and just taking up fighting. He was well matched with his opponent. There were some very big hits on both sides, but in the end James won. I told him afterward, I'm glad he's our friend because I wouldn't want to be his enemy. I know who I'll call if I ever need a body guard.

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