
Friday, December 12, 2008

I love my husband

For those who don't know Kenyon very well, or have never had the opportunity to spend much time with are missing out! There are times, especially when he is on some rant about something, that he makes me laugh until I cry. He has not had it easy (in the past or present), but you wouldn't know about his hardships because despite it all he has maintained a zest for life, a compelling sense of curiosity, and a childlike innocence.

He is also incredibly faithful in the little things. Every day he gets up early with me, makes sure I've eaten something (if I didn't get around to breakfast in my morning routine he fixes me a pop-tart) and he drives me to work. He doesn't have to get up, he could keep sleeping. I never asked him to do that, it's just a routine that happened spontaneously, but I like it. It gives us time in the morning to talk about the day ahead, to connect. He picks me up from work and generally has to wait patiently as I wrap-up my day. He does all of the dishes, all of the laundry, most of the cleaning, and a large portions of the grocery shopping and cooking. He does all of this without complaint. Did he dream of some day being a house husband? I am certain he did not. Our circumstances dictated that and he is making the best of it.

Lately, work has been hard. There are regularly long hours, competing responsibilities and an overwhelming work load. But, lately, there have been added challenges. Many days I come home spent with nothing left to give to him, I had a few of those days this week. We talk. He makes me laugh. I feel better, like I can take on another day. He is my cheerleader, he speaks truth to me when I need it. He has proven himself to be trustworthy and strong. I love my husband and I am blessed to have him as my companion on the journey of life. It also doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes.

Recently someone gave him the best compliment I have ever heard. She is a single woman that I work with and, thus, gets to spend more time with Kenyon than most. She said, "Kenyon, the more time I spend with you the higher my standards get for a man." I'm a lucky girl!

I love you, baby!

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