
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Object lesson: Recession

I believe the Bible has practical application to life. When I was in college I read a scripture that applied to a situation then and, I believe, to the economic crisis now.

Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.

There is someone I have known for the majority of my life. If you know me well then you know them too. There really is no need to divulge their identity. I believe their life is simply an object lesson that illustrates the value of this scripture. This person is a phenomenal entrepreneur, it is a gift they had since childhood. They oozed confidence and, for a time, it seemed they had somehow defied the system and succeeded in spite of the odds. They drove a BMW, they paid cash for fancy homes in swanky neighborhoods, they traveled the world...I used to say they lived the lifestyles of the rich and famous. It was known that some ethical corners had to be cut, some moral lines had to be crossed to maintain the level of success. What I had always wondered is how long it would last. I believe the Bible to be true and so I believed there would eventually be consequences. Some got angry because the consequences seemed to be alluded time and time again. Others thought the luck would last forever. As the scripture predicts, the money (and lifestyle that accompanied it) are gone. Today, this person makes minimum wage, works two jobs just to pay debts, does not own a home or other standard American possessions, is constantly pursued by creditors, is engrossed in legal troubles and the life that once was is a distant memory...almost like a dream.

I tell this story because to me it illustrates the problems I see in America. I have been saying since Clinton's presidency, the day will come when we will pay for our choices. Was the economy booming then? It was according to what is counted in economic trends (and don't get me started on how the GDP standard was altered, the fiery Latina in me comes out - my voice raises and my head and hands starts moving involuntarily); people were spending, spending, spending. Buying bigger houses, newer cars, the trendiest fashions, the latest gadgets...the economy was growing, right? I never thought so. I kept saying, "it is all smoke and mirrors people. This is being done on money we don't have and some day the bill will come due." Today is that day. The bill has come due. Instead of buckling down and paying the bill (as any wise person would), Congress decided to do what? Oh yeah, that's right, borrow more money and go further in debt. I've already written my opinion on that asinine vote. The point I am trying to make is this: The Bible has validity. This simple proverb has merit. For those who have followed it's wisdom, they will weather this economic crisis - no matter what it's duration. They should have a nest egg (savings), they should not have crippling debt, and they should know how to live within their means (even as their means may change).

Accumulating wealth little by little over time, the antidote for recession.

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