
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

theology v science?

There seems to be an ongoing debate - can sound theology and science mix? As a Christian and an aspiring intellectual - my answer is a resounding, "yes!"

I believe the Bible to be true, but I also believe that time and time again science has proved the Bible's validity rather than disproved it. Test it. Question it. Really consider it. You will likely come to the same conclusion.

There is an ongoing debate in my profession. Everyone agrees the best way to stop AIDS is to prevent new infections. How to do that, our approach, is where the disagreements arise. There is a group that preaches condoms, condoms, condoms - in spite of the failure rates and low rates of adoption (meaning, people simply don't use them even when they are available in mass and individuals are aware of the risks). The other side touts behavior change (delayed sexual debut = abstinence and reduction of sexual partners = faithfulness). The critics of this approach view it as unrealistic and a moral choice. Is it difficult to change behavior? Sure it is, but it isn't impossible. In my opinion it is well worth the effort to bring about lasting change - life transformation.

I find it encouraging that the message of the Bible happens to also be good public health. But you don't have to take my word for it - how about considering the findings of a couple of Harvard researchers:

AIDS and the Churches: Getting the Story Right
by Edward C. Green and Allison Herling Ruark
Two scholars from Harvard University explain how the Christian churches are getting the response to the AIDS crisis right.

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