
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Interesting International Facts

I was recently traveling with a group from Belarus, Germany, UK, Russia and the US. It's great when so many different perspectives can get together for a common cause. I thought I'd share some things I learned along the way.

Did you know?

In Moldova (one of the places we visited) that their constitution list "Moldovan" as the primary language. The language Moldovan is actually Romanian, but they didn't want to call it that for national reasons.

Did you know?

That British people make fun of our teeth, like we make fun of theirs. We were at dinner, there was a Belarusian, a Brit and two Americans. Near the end of our dinner another table of mixed nationalities came in, we were trying to guess where they were from based on accents or languages being spoken. The other American had guessed one guy speaking English was British. I said, "no, he can't be British. Look at him. You know how I know." He said, "you're right. the teeth." The Brit and the two Americans laughed. I didn't expect the Brit to get the joke. I learned that the Brit's know their teeth are generally crooked and brown, they think our white and straight teeth are a joke. What we didn't know is that each country makes fun of the others teeth. He said they often say about Americans, "still ugly, but their teeth are perfect."

Did you know?

The Brits call the American fourth of July holiday "good riddance day."

Did you know?

That cow brains have the consistency of gelatin and a very odd protein flavor. I only know this because I tried them on this trip. When I reported this to Kenyon he simply said, "yuck!"

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