
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

missed manners

The American Psychology Association (APA) defines manners as ways of behaving with reference to polite standards. A few years ago when I entered my PhD program and was back on a college campus after a few years absence, I had some observations. One of them being that people walking together, sitting together, eating together didn't talk to one another...instead they were engrossed in their cell phones, texting others who were not there with them. I found this to be an odd accurance, as well as completely rude and inconsiderate.

Fast forward a couple of years, I now have an international job with colleagues around the world. Because of time zone differences I can be contacted 24 hours a day. My work has also generously issued me a Blackberry phone so I am reachable any time, any where. Wasn't that nice of them?

I've found that I have this terrible compulsion to check my Blackberry constantly. What emails have I received? What's going on in the world? Let me check the latest news updates. Kenyon hates the Blackberry. Every spouse hates the Blackberry. I was at lunch the other day with some colleagues and one of the gentlemen said his wife kindly told him one night at home before dinner that if he didn't put it away she was going to beat him with it. Kenyon's solution didn't involve physical harm, he simply suggested he would throw it out the window of a moving car.

I post this to request accountability. I have been inconsiderate. I have put my Blackberry in front of the people who are walking, sitting, or eating with me. That is a stupid thing to do and I need to change it. I thought, maybe if I put it out there in cyberspace, maybe if I make it publically known, I will be more likely to change. So, if you ever catch me engaging in this rude behavior, please stop me. I need to improve my manners.

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