
Thursday, October 30, 2008

love letter

Kenyon is still serving in Haiti. This weekend he will be in a distant province delivering non-food item kits. Sunday he will be back in a town with Internet access and he will be back home in early November. Through the wonders of technology we've been good at corresponding every day in spite of the distance, though there will be an interruption in communication this weekend as he travels. Though he has been physically sick most of the time from the food and has experienced many trials, this has been a fantastic learning experience for him. I received the sweetest email from him this morning. I will keep some of it private because they will remain things shared just between us, but a sample of the email is below. I share it to share my happiness. In Kenyon, I have found a companion committed to shared values and a common purpose. We have very different personalities, approaches to life, and opinions. We can both be stubborn and selfish, but in the end we are better together. I thank God for the gift of my husband. What a blessing he is to my life!

Hi My Love, before you are off to work I wanted to tell you all the things I miss:

I miss your beautiful smile.
I miss talking to you.
I miss watching you get ready for work.
I miss bringing you lunch at work.
I miss our time together.
I miss holding your hand.
I miss walking with you.

Looks like I miss you a lot, in all due time I will see you again. God bless you my love.

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