
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

birthday greetings

thank you all so much for the calls, cards, and e-cards acknowledging my birthday. It is much appreciated. But, I have to say I had two very special birthday greetings worth remembering.

I was traveling on my birthday this year. I stopped for a long layover in Dubai and got to see my good friend Yasmine, her husband Gamil and their daughter Joelle. What a treat! they picked me up at the airport with a card and flowers in hand. We had dinner, we laughed, we explored, we got lost driving in Dubai - but what a treat to get to see and spend time with her on my birthday.

The second special birthday greeting came as a surprise. While going through security at the airport. The generally unhappy TSA agent looked up and pleasantly said, "Happy birthday, Sheri." That was the nicest interaction I've ever had with an airport security agent. Now I also know that they really are reading what they are looking at, or at least she is.

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