
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big Business

Kenyon and I recently watched a movie titled, "TRADE." It is about the global business of trafficking women and children. Over the years I've read quite a bit about this booming business. When I did work primarily in Asia the best book I read on the topic in that part of the world is titled, "sex slaves" and is written by a professor out of the U.K. I was also aware of the trafficking of women to the US from places like the Ukraine and Russia.

The movie we watched opened my eyes to a whole other market that I had not previously known - trafficking from Mexico to the US. That's our backyard! The movie script originated from a NY Times article titled, "the girls next door." What I liked about the movie is that it wasn't titillating, it showed this business for what it is. I hear stories like this from all over the world and it never ceases to enrage me, but for some reason the thought of America being such a destination point for this type of trade insights me to anger.

How can we stop this horrible business? How can we free those enslaved by it? How can we protect the vulnerable? I don't have the answers, but I cannot stop asking the questions.

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