
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things that don't make the news, but should...

You've probably heard about the debilitating cyclone that hit Myanmar recently. You've heard about the people in need and the difficulty helps organizations are having in getting in affected areas to help. employer was one of the lucky ones. We have staff in the country and Thailand helping those in need. We were able to deliver a cargo plane of supplies quickly and even received enough favor to have our staff receive visa's at the airport (unbelievable!).

I heard something this week that made me sick to my stomach. Helps agencies may not be able to come in to help, but you'll never guess who has shown up in mass. Child traffickers!! That's right, those who are in the business of selling flesh have shown up to exploit the situation. They are snatching up children who are displaced and lost the protection of their parents and home due to this natural disaster. The count of children being stolen by traffickers will never be known, but it makes me sick and angry to know this is happening.

It's a really, really good thing I'm not God. If I were, I'd do worse than strike people down with lightning (which God doesn't do).

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