
Monday, June 16, 2008


Have you seen the movie Jumper? Kenyon and I rented it last night and watched it over at a friends house. The basic premise is, there are people on earth that can go from place to place by simply thinking about it...New York, London, Egypt...there in seconds. No flight delays, no traffic. Ahh, what a life! Dare to dream!

Recently when I was in Kenya with some of my team from Africa we were talking about inventions we wished had been invented. My answer - a teleporter. I was told by an Ethiopian (Note: Ethiopians are highly spiritual) that it was a sin for me to think that. A sin? Really? Why? Because that is a power reserved for God.

Interestingly, there is a group of "hunters" in the movie Jumper that track and kill those who can teleport themselves. Their reason is that it is a power reserved for God.

I still want a teleporter. Imagine all the time I would gain if I didn't have to travel from place to place...poof, I'm just there.

What invention do you wish for?

1 comment:

  1. I loved that movie! I too dreamed of being able to teleport! I guess we are airport detesting sinners together:)
    Joel H.
