
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Grace at work?

So, I'm still reading Ascent of a Leader. In chapter 2 they introduced the idea of grace at work. Providing a safe environment where people can make mistakes, where they are shown grace for their shortcomings, produces innovation, risk-taking, and giving the best to the employer. I know failure is part of learning and growth, but I've never thought of it in the context of grace - unmerited favor.

In chapter 3, the authors expound on this idea and discuss the fruit of relationships of grace.

1. Acceptance: when human flaws are accepted, we tend to try harder to please the one who accepted our shortcomings. Interesting paradox...acceptance of "as is" results in change. Hmmm...

2. Honesty: humans are more likely to admit mistakes, and learn from them, rather than hide mistakes in relationships of grace.

Reading this, it all seems like common sense, right? But, I have found it much more difficult to practice. Creating this kind of environment takes a tremendous amount of patience, time, and persistence. The book asserts, that those who've received grace find it easier to give because they know and understand it's power.

I've thought a lot about this. I learned more about grace through immense heartache and failure than any other source. I experienced grace and in the process came to appreciate it. What about you?

Have you received grace? Are you sharing it with others?

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