
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stepping Out..

I don't make New Year's resolutions, instead I have a theme for the year. The theme involves personal goals I have related to my spiritual, relational, and physical health. It's more of a development plan than an empty commitment. If you've been a faithful reader you know that we have had the year of Creating New Memories. We've also had the Live Loud year. And last year was the year of Establishing a New Normal. What will it be this year?

I've decided this is the year of Faith Steps. When I think of faith, I think of the Indiana Jones movie where he has to step out over the canyon even though he can't see the bridge. I anticipate that kind of year. A year where I have to trust God for my life and sustenance.

I have a big job, it is bigger than I am. If I'm not vitally connected to Jesus then the job will consume me, chew me up and spit me out. I'm a newlywed and even though we love each other very much the first year is so important in setting up patterns on how we relate to each other. I call them unwritten contracts. I believe we can build a marriage that lasts, but it takes faith to make the day-to-day work. There are still some unrealized dreams that I have. It takes faith to believe they will become reality.

The bible (Hebrews 11:1) defines faith as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." It's a matter of perspective. If I look at today and all I have to do there is no chance I will be able to get it done. If I look to Jesus, if I rely on strength outside myself, if I keep stepping forward in spite of the risk - I am confident in a satisfying outcome. In my mind faith is related to capacity. If I have faith, I am able to do more than without it. As I grow my faith, I am able to increasingly accomplish more. If my faith is shallow or non-existent, then my words are empty and my actions meaningless.

Every year presents new adventures and I expect to have many this year. I also expect the year of Faith Steps to be a year of internal growth - capacity building. Who knows what the future will hold?

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