
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

First Day of School

So, school has started again. It's a new semester. New notebooks, textbooks, and pens have been bought. Registration is complete and the schedule has been checked and rechecked. Your probably thinking to yourself, "How in the world does Sheri have time to be a student again?" I don't! Though my PhD is currently postponed - I will finish it someday, but today is not that day. I'm not in school, but my hubby is. He started (or restarted in Carolina) his Paramedic license. He's enrolled in 17 credit hours this semester. Essentially it is review for him, but necessary to meet the requirements. He will learn a couple of new things - how to administer an I.V. and some stuff about medications/prescriptions.

He will begin ride alongs soon - a requirement for the license. In May, he will be eligible for employment or can continue his education for additional licensing.

My husband, the full-time student. I'm so proud!

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