
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yellow Crane Tower

Today we climbed the Yellow Crane Tower. It was the first time I really felt like I was in China. For most of the trip it felt like I was just in a big city outside the United States, it hadn't sunk in that we were actually in China.

The tower was built in 223 A.D. I think that is the oldest thing I've seen so far. I saw some old stuff in Europe, but the oldest I can remember was in Italy and built in 800 A.D. The tower is just like what you see in pictures of ancient Chinese buildings. We climbed to the top (stairs of course, there was an elevator but it wasn't operating). There was something to see on each floor. We walked/hiked the grounds and appreciated the gardens and other structures around the tower. At the bottom of the tower we found some costumes, got dressed up and decided to pose.

We had a great day. Tomorrow we leave to Xi'an to see the terracotta warriors, a museum and cultural show. We will return to Wuhan Tuesday, spend a couple more days. Then we will spend some time in the capital, Beijing before returning home. We plan to visit the great wall, forbidden city and more. I still can't believe I'm actually in China.

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