
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Relaxing massage?

Fiona and I decided to go to hot yoga tonight. Bob didn't want to stay home, he wanted to get out and do something. There is a massage parlor not far from the yoga place. Bob thought a relaxing foot massage would be nice. The driver dropped us in between and we went our seperate ways.

At the end of yoga we met up with him at the car and asked him about the massage. He said, "I don't speak Chinese." Obviously something was lost in translation because this photo shows the result of his relaxing foot massage. Yikes! There are 24 of these red, inflamed bumps on his back. He described them as "tender." Personally, I don't know how he's going to sleep tonight. I imagine it is uncomfortable to lay on your back, or even have the blankets touching the skin.
I guess they use these suction cups and fire to make these bumps. It's supposedly cleansing. Helen, one of Fiona's friends, said her husband did it and he has a hairy back. His result was much worse as it involved the smell of burnt hair. Would you like a relaxing Chinese massage?

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