
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another one bites the dust...

As of last night, semester number two of my PhD program is complete. Hallelujah! The last two weeks have been insane! It's hard to believe I have successfully completed my first year. It's actually gone pretty quickly.

Today, I get on an airplane to my hometown. I'll do some planning for wedding reception number three on Friday. Then early Saturday AM I'm off to China. This will be my first visit to China. I have very low expectations of the trip. I get to see a very good friend who's living there, but the country itself isn't of much interest to me. My friend says that means I'm really going to love it, because I don't expect much. I'm told they won't believe I'm American because I'm not blonde or white. I wonder where they will think I'm from? Maybe, India? They have a very definite opinion of what an American should look like when they visit China and I don't fit the mold. That will be interesting.

Since I will be out of the country for nearly three weeks, I likely won't be updating my blog. Expect to hear from me when I get back.

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