
Saturday, December 09, 2006

beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

This week I attended my first of many holiday parties. There was a party at the KU Bookstore with a wonderful spread of food (which substituted for my dinner) and prizes. I can't recall winning anything of value before now, but at this party I was the lucky recipient of a 2GB iPod Nano (a $300 value). Awesome! This is compatible with my new CD player in my car (a birthday present from my family). I can just hook it up and listen to the music of my choice. If you are wondering what a good Christmas gift might be for Sheri - I can solve that mystery; an or iTunes gift card would be greatly appreciated (excuse my blatant request for presents). Now I need to decide what to do with my old iPod mini. Any takers? If not, I will sell it on ebay to help pay for my school books for Spring.

Thursday I also attended a free KC Symphony holiday concert with my small group. I attended this event last year. It is wonderful. The music is great, the musicians interact with the audience, the venue provides refreshments and a wonderful ambiance...what a night! Now for those of you who think attending a symphony has to be boring - think again. I bet you can't say you've heard a rendition of "Joy to the World" polka style? Or, what about the "Nutcracker Sweet & Sour"? Well, I have and they are entertaining! These were just a few of the pieces performed at the symphony that evening. The event definitely put me in the holiday spirit.

Feliz Navidad!

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